達賴喇嘛2008經典桌曆佳言2008.01我們愈去關心別人的幸福,也就同時愈能建立起自己的快樂。只不過當你在付出的時候,心裡絕對不要有這種想法。不要去指望有所回報,要一心一意為別人好。The more we are concerned about the happiness of others,the more we are building our own happiness at the same time.But never think about this when you are actually giving.Do not expect anything in return;think only of what is good for the other person. ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --2008.02對他人冷漠,可以說是一種最糟糕的缺點賣房子了。只想到自己,完全不管周圍人的遭遇,表示這個人的眼光淺短,思想薄弱,心胸狹隘。Indifference, especially indifference towards other people,is one of the worst defects we can have.To think only of oneself, without caring about what is happening to one's neighbor,reflects a very narrow view of the world,a blinkered mind and a tightness of heart. ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ------2008.03忌妒會讓我們很不快樂,並且阻止我們在心靈上的進步。如果忌妒是以攻擊的形式表現出來,還會讓西裝別人受到傷害,這是一種非常負面的情緒。Jealousy makes us miserable and prevents us from progressing spiritually.If it is expressed as aggression,it also harms other people.It is a very negative emotion. ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -------2008.04對佛教徒來說,所謂的佛性,或說覺醒的能力,在男性和女性身上是毫無二致的。所以兩性就本質上而言,是完全平等的。According to Buddhism,there is not the slightest difference in the way both men and women have what we call Buddha nature,of the potential for 景觀設計enlightenment.They are therefore essentially equal. ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -2008.05如果我們只想到自己,把別人都當成對手,就會碰上一些很荒謬,只能歸咎於自己的困境。活在現代社會裡,要避免競爭似乎已經不可能了,但是我們還是可以在不去壓迫別人的狀況下,做的比他們好。If we care only for ourselves and conside other people as enemies,we will be up against absurd difficulties of our own making.And if in this modern world life seems to be impossible without competition,we should 禮服remember that it is possible to do better than others without crushing them in the process. ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------2008.06所有眾生都有追求快樂的權利,沒有人有權力去摧毀他人的快樂。人類存在的目的,在任何情況下,都不是陷任何仲生於苦海。Everyone has the right to happiness but nobody has the right to destory the happiness of others.In no event can the goal of human existence entail making anyone suffer. ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 節能燈具--------- --------- --------2008.07從孩提的時代開始,就要學會怎麼和別人相處,怎麼互助合作。小爭執和小衝突雖然沒有辦法避免,但是,重要的是養成既往不咎,不記恨在心的習慣。Right from childhood,one must also learn to get in with others and help them.Quarrels and minor conflicts are inevitable,but the main thing is to get used to wiping the slate clean and never harbouring grudges. ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------2008.08良知告訴我們,人的一生很短暫,所以應該趁著我們在這個世上的短暫過程裡,做一些小型辦公室對自己和對別人有用的事情。Common sense shows that human life is short-lived and that it is best to make of our brief sojourn on this Earth something that is useful to oneself and others. ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --2008.09記者有敏銳的嗅覺,能夠去調查公眾人物的行為,好讓大家知道這些人是不是值得他們的選民信賴,我覺得這點很棒。不過還有一點是很重要的,那就是這些調查必須以一種公正的方式進行,沒有任何欺騙或隱瞞,你們的目標不是去破壞敵對政黨或某個政敵的聲譽,好讓自己的陣營佔得上風。It is 酒店打工an excellent thing that journalists investigate and inquire into the lives of people in public life in order to show whether or not the electorateshould consider them trustworthy.But it is important to carry out such inquiries honestly,without deception in bias.Your aim should not be to ensure that your own side wins by demolishing the reputation of a political rival or an opposition party. ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -2008.10一切都以互相關懷,互相依賴的方式存在,我們找不出一樣東西是房屋買賣自己生出來,只靠自己就可以存在的。所以根本不可能把自我利益和他人利益分開來談。Everything exists in relation to other things,in a state of interdependence.There us nothing that exists in and of itself.It is therefore impossible to conceive of one's own personal interests independently of those others. ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---2008.11少想到自己,多關心別人,是一個對抗焦慮的好辦法。假使我們真能看到別人的困難,那麼自己的就變得不再那麼重要了。An effective method to 酒店工作overcome fear is to shift one's concern from oneself to others.When we actually see the difficulties that other people face,our own seem less enormous. ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --2008.12如果你前半生過得很充實,那就記住你在這段時間帶給社會的貢獻,你曾經很認真地做了一件有用的工作。所以,現在你沒有什麼好後悔的。If the first part of your life was lived to the full,remember that at that time you contributed to society and your work was useful and carried out with sincere intentions.So now you 代償have nothing to regret.

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